Real-life Problems of Students & Youth
Case Study 1
Colour Code in the SA: Red:FMs,Green:Strong FBs, Pink:Weak FBs, Blue:Combust & Weak FBs.
(i) A ‘karmic-obstacle’ in the sphere of ‘Dharma‘:
A disappointed father lamented his 19-year-old son being unable to fare well in his Engineering course, because of the latter’s irresponsibility in being a day-dreaming pleasure seeker. It appears that the boy’s behaviour was also somewhat violent at times. Thus, astrological guidance was sought to make the boy more studious and dedicated to his studies as well as to bring about a change in his behaviour and outlook on life.
(ii) Chart details: The boy’s chart had a Libra Asdt, with the MEP at 17°34′ and the Asdt H was under an exact affliction from the MMP Me, which was also weak through its deb in the D9 & D10 charts. His Ra was placed in the malefic VIIIH. The Mo was combust and also exactly afflicted by the MMP. The Su was deb in the Asdt H. Ju placed in its own MTS, blessed him with a strong IIIH & it was in fact the only strong planet in his chart.
The father approached me in Jul, 2003, when the Ju-Ma sub-period was running. In Feb 2004, the Ju-Ra sub-period was scheduled to commence & this sub-period was to continue till the end of Jun, 2006. The Ma & the Ra sub-periods were expected to be difficult.
(iii) SA analysis: The pleasure-seeking tendency came from the affliction of the MMP, lord of the XIIH, to the Asdt H, VIIH as well as to the weak Mo; while Propitiatory Charities for Ra and the MMP as well as a Kavach for strengthening all the FBs – held the key to the boy becoming normal again.
(iv) Remedial Measures: After making the boy understand what Vedic astrology is all about, as also the mechanism of the Remedial Measures, the boy was given a Kavach to wear during an auspicious Muhurta, so as to strengthen all his weak FBs & was asked to perform Propitiatory Charities for the MMP, Me & Ra. For the MMP Me, he was asked to feed stray cattle with 1 doz green bananas on a daily basis with devotion & sincerity and in addition was also asked to perform the Remedial Measures for Ra, also during the entire course of the Ra sub-period. This lasted an additional 2 yrs & 4 months. He was persuaded to perform the Remedial Measures for the MMP, for life, as the affliction to the Asdt H was exact.
The father was also asked to have a Ra-Ke dosha nivarana pooja performed at a Siva temple in Kalahasti, some 150 Kms from Chennai. In addition, the boy was also asked to propitiate Lord Vishnu with Ashtotthara Namavalli [108 holy names of Lord Vishnu], from the Vishnu Sahasranama for several months at a stretch on a daily basis. I had brought in this effective worship, knowing that the family followed a Vaishnava Sampradaya. It was also enjoined that all these Propitiatory Charities must be performed with devotion & sincerity. These Remedial Measures from the SA & VA had a remarkable effect on his life. [See Sec. 2 of Part VIII]
(v) Isvara’s grace through the Remedial Measures: The father, who had now become pleased, recently reported to me that his son had graduated from the Engineering College with a happy aggregate of some 70% and that there were no problems whatever, neither with his behaviour, nor with his studies. W.e.f July 2006, the boy enters into the 19 yearlong Saturn dasa.
Case Study 2
(i) A higher-quest in the sphere of ‘Dharma & Artha’: “I am sitting for a competitive international examination, as part of my attempt to go abroad for my higher education. First of all, is my horoscope holding the potential for successful studies abroad? Secondly, if you find my horoscope not having a good prospect for overseas education, can you suggest some Remedial Measures, which when followed by me, will make my horoscope much more favourable for overseas studies and residence?”
(ii) Chart details: [Oct, 7th,1984; 9:27 AM; 80E17, 13N05, TZ= – 5hrs30mts] ]
Note: FBs : Sa at 21° 21′(Libra), Su at 20° 25′ (Virgo), Mo at 19° 35′ (Aquarius), Ju at 11° 42′ (Sagittarius), Me at 17° 43′ (Virgo). Green : Strong FBs, Pink : Weak FBs, Red:FMs, Blue : Combust FBs. [This is the colour code in the SA]
(iii) SA analysis: “You have a Scorpio Asdt with Ju as your strongest FB & Ra, Ke, Ma & Ve as your strong FMs. All other FBs are weak. As your IVH lord Sa has become exalted in the XIIH, you certainly have a potential for higher education abroad. Moreover, as your XIIH of overseas affairs is very strong, you certainly have a very good potential for overseas residence. However, as the IVH lord Sa suffers an exact affliction from the MMP Ve, you will have to do Propitiatory Charities for the MMP Ve, as also for the FMs Ma, Ra & Ke, since Ma especially afflicts the IIH & the VIIIH closely, even though the IIH lord Ju is strongly placed in its own MTS.”
(iv) SA & VA Remedial Measures: She was asked to wear a Kavach for strengthening her weak FBs & apart from performing Abhishekas [an elaborate form of Hindu worship in which the Deity as the idol is washed with holy water and other holy liquids, so as to enable the witnessing devotee to reach purity and integrity in the depth of his own consciousness] every Tuesday for Lord Subhramanya Swami [being the Navagraha Devata corresponding to the FM, Ma]; she was also asked to perform Propitiatory Charities in the form of Abhishekas on every alternate Friday for 2 consecutive months to goddess Kali [being the Navagraha Devata corresponding to the MMP Ve]. The Ra, Ke, Ve & Ma Remedial Measures in the SA were also recommended in order to rapidly nullify the afflictions to the IVH, IIH & the VIIIH. [See Sec. 2, Part VIII]
(v) Isvara’s grace through the Remedial Measures: An auspicious SA Muhurta was also given during the Sa-Me sub-period for writing the Intl. competitive exam [21st Feb, 2005; between 1:43 PM & 1:57 PM] & as a result of these Remedial Measures and the well chosen above Muhurta, she secured a reasonably high score in the exam, thereby gaining admission in an American University. In America she has been faring excellently in her academic pursuits.
Case Study 3
(i) A quest in the sphere of ‘Artha‘: A certain creative and ambitious young lady wished to go abroad to pursue her training & research in psychology. Though she thought this might incidentally help her to build up her career prospects, her real motivation and inspiration was the condition of her handicapped brother. Her initial attempts in this direction were not proving to be successful. Hence she sought Divine grace through the Remedial Measures, for bringing fulfilment to this dream in Jan 2005, when she was running the unfavourable Ju-Ra sub-period.
(ii) Birth chart: [7th Sep 1978, 4:45 AM, Delhi (77°E13′, 28°N39′)]
(iii) SA analysis: First ‘the level of her astrological awareness’ was raised and the manner in which the Remedial Measures bring in the grace of Isvara was thoroughly explained. In her Leo Asdt chart, the Asdt Lord, the Su, was weak through its deb in the D9 chart. The Vidyakarakas Me & Ju were also weak. In fact, with the singular exception of the Lord of the IIIH, namely Ve, all other planets were weak. Even the Lord of the XIIH, governing overseas affairs was very weak. Worst of all, there was nearly total Ra-Ke affliction to six out of the 12 Hs in her chart. It was these weaknesses and afflictions which came in the way of her fulfilling her dream.
(iv) Remedial Measures: She was asked to perform the SA Rahu & Ketu Remedial Measures on a daily basis with devotion and sincerity for life, as a general protection, and was asked to raise the energy of her XIIH Lord, the weak Mo, by worshipping and performing Abhishekas with devotion and sincerity for the Divine Mother as Kali, on six consecutive Mondays. She had given feedback to me after she had the Kali-Abhishekas performed on those Mondays, in the early-mornings that she is now feeling so peaceful and contended. It was explained to her how such worship will raise the energy of the weak natal Mo. To strengthen her weak FBs she was also asked to wear a Kavach, during an auspicious Muhurta, on June 19th, 2005. [See also Sec. 2, Part VIII]
(v) Isvara’s grace through the Remedial Measures: In Oct 2005, she was still running the Ju-Ra sub-period, but her visa interview was to take place at 9:30AM on 13th Oct. On the 12th I was asked whether the visa-interview on the morrow will go off well? Looking at her Tr chart, as I found the planets Ve, Me and Su, strong on this day and no Tr afflictions – in spite of Ra still transiting only the VIIIH and in spite of the VIIH Lord Sa still transiting only the XIIH, I gave an SA prediction – taking the Remedial Measures into account – that she will have success in the interview. On 14th, the following day, I received an e-mail again, to say that she had got through the visa-interview. Her work in the UK is now going on well, as she could secure Isvara’s grace, in spite of ‘karmic-obstacles’ in the sphere of ‘Artha‘.