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An Illustrative Analogy: an Active vis-á-vis a Passive Approach:

Such an indolent & passive approach to these ‘karmic-sufferings’ is very much like doing nothing at all, by way of administration of the right medicines or the appropriate line of treatment; but just allowing the body to fight its own lone-battle, after some dreadful disease has come and settled into it – as a ‘karmic-retribution’ and as the visitation of a misfortune in life.

Vedic astrology deals intelligently with just such crises, brought on by the arrival of bad-times. Its greatest blessing to us is that, we may know well in advance, when such a crisis may descend upon us. This blessing will however come only to those, who realize the value of being in periodic contact with a perceptive Vedic astrologer. And the beauty of its preventive approach lies in its careful and detailed prescriptions, as to what may be practically done with devotion and sincerity; either through heart-felt charities on a daily basis, or through daily worship and attunement to the Divine and so on; as a result of which, ‘the healing of the body’ is speeded up with the individual recovering more rapidly from the onslaughts of the ‘karmic-disease’.