Pandit Vama Deva Shastri’s Vedic Astrology
Vedacarya Pandit Vamadeva Shastri
On the astrological side, the present work is based on the astrological systems developed by two contemporary Jyotisacaryas [sanctified teachers of Hindu astrology or its more ancient version of Vedic astrology], who have each shaped my astrological thinking and clarity in their respective domains. Firstly, Pandit Vamadeva Shastri, a renowned Vedacarya, created a version of Vedic astrology (VA) in the spiritual spheres that served to kindle my deep interest in this discipline.
There were, however, many areas in VA that were confusing on account of the conspicuous lack of consensus among various Vedic astrologers and the lack of selfconsistency as well as reliable predictive accuracy. Contradictions arose when the astrological sutras came into conflict with real life events and situations that they were expected to accurately describe and predict but were unable to (Systems Approach 55). Otherwise, the many spiritual insights of Pandit Vamadeva Shastri’s VA provided an initial satisfaction for my soul, which had become thirsty for the waters of this astrological knowledge.