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‘Karmic-Sufferings’ in which Spheres of Life?

Such ‘karmic sufferings’ may manifest in any sphere of life at all – in our educational career; in marital life & relationship; in matters of progeny; in the choice of a vocation or in the professional field; in matters of health & disease; in the sphere of disputes, enmity & litigation; in the buying & selling of property; in the sphere of spiritual-flowering & seeking an appropriate system of Yoga therein for our unfoldment; etc.. In fact, there is not a sphere of life that is left untouched by these ‘karmic-sufferings’. If we only look back into our own life, we will be able to identify not only the ‘bad-times’ we have been through, but will also be in a position to discern clearly in which sphere of our life, these ‘karmic-sufferings’ came to us as the proverbial ‘blows-of-fate’.