Core Members


Sri Sankara Bhagavadpada is grateful to Sri Kannanji, for his selfless, proficient and committed service to his mission, ever since 1990. Sri Kannanji is an integral part of his Astrological and Spiritual work. He has further thanked him in the following words, in the Ack Section of his Book: Sri Ramana Maharshi’s Moksha.

“Where continued dedicated service has been concerned, my whole-souled appreciation goes to Sri Kannanji, who has provided me with dependable, spiritual-secretarial support, and excellent co-operation in patiently typing, reading, and checking several drafts of this work, as well as in the efficient preparation of the Sanskrit glossary. He has managed most affairs of my office in the course of the last nine years, including maintaining my accounts, archives, and files. He thereby made it possible for me to take my mind off these burdens and devote my energies entirely to my astrological study and research. I honestly think it has been my Master’s grace that I have had Sri Kannanji to stand by me these last twelve years when I was working practically only from the seclusion of my home.”