Bhagavadpada’’s Profile

Spiritual Inspiration in Early Life:

During the impressionable boyhood years, he came under the benevolent spiritual & philosophical inspiration from his late mother and his philosopher-friend (who later came to be known as the Master Sri Sri Bhagavan) and also the Master Sri J Krishnamurti.

In his younger years, a researcher in Theoretical Nuclear Physics [1971-1982], presently, a spiritual teacher[since 1984], Vedic astrologer & author of Indian nationality. Birth details: 1st May, 1948, Chennai. Birth name: Shanker Ramachandran.


Research Studies in India and Germany:

In 1971, he secured the Masters (Physics) from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai. As a doctoral researcher (in the early 1970s) at The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai; while attempting to fit into a highly competitive modern world, in which no one pays any attention to the spiritual well-being of individuals, he underwent a radical change of heart, whereby his spiritual life and the aspirations of his deeper-self, took precedence over all other survival concerns. He was able to tide over this crisis – which was one of conflict between the spiritual-aspirations of the deeper-self on the one hand and bread & butter concerns of a mundane world on the other – by taking to heart, the teachings of the Master Sri J.Krishnamurti, for this is what he was asked to do, in that perilous hour by his concerned philosopher friend.

In 1980 he secured the doctorate degree from TIFR, in the field of theoretical nuclear Physics. After completing the doctoral work, he worked at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt in W Germany as an Alexander Von Humboldt post-doctoral research fellow – till late 1982, collaborating here with his erudite mentors and well-wishers Prof C S Warke and Prof Walter Greiner. Thus, till the 34th year, Bhagavadpada was a researcher, with profound enquiry as a general approach to all spheres of life.