Illustration #2: The Horoscope of a Highly Intelligent & Humanitarian Indian Police Official (Year of birth 1925, Still very active):
Birth details withheld for reasons of confidentiality.
Colour Code in the SA :Red ->FMs; Pink -> Weak FBs;
Green -> Strong FBs
Commentary: In this Aquarius Asdt horoscope of a highly distinguished police official, the FBs are: Sa, Ma, Su, Ve and Ju; while the FMs are the Mo, Me, Ra & Ke. The strong Navagrahas being the Su and Ma, ruling the ‘Kama’ Hs,the IIIH & VIIH respectively; they show an indomitable will in action. As there are good FB Navagrahas in the Dharma Hs, he was highly service-oriented like a karma-yogi & also adhering to moral principles [Dharma].The Aquarius Asdt per se inclines individuals towards a humanitarian service-oriented life. The life-drama reveals thus a ‘Dharma-driven’ will in action [in the spheres of ‘Artha & Kama‘] for Lokakalyana, or the welfare of the world. Notice also the affliction between the two FMs, the Mo & Me.