Spiritual Life in the Spheres of Dharma & Moksha:
Till now for the most part we have seen the power of the Remedial Measures of SA & VA, in the spheres of Artha & Kama, since much of the modern world is engrossed in these material spheres. VA in the spheres of Dharma & Moksha has been gone into in a general way by Pandit Vamadeva Shastri [6]. My own interest has also been in the spheres of Dharma & Moksha, but with all the additional light that the SA can throw on these relatively less travelled spheres of life. To enable people to have a better idea of the spiritual life and how the same may be improved by adopting astrological Remedial Measures, purely for illustrative purposes, we are bringing into relief three spiritual charts by throwing the light of the SA on them.
The first chart pertains to Sri Ramana Maharshi who stands out as the most illustrious Sage & spiritual luminary of our times [20]. The second chart is that of a highly intelligent, noble & service oriented Indian police official, who has done immense good silently in his capacity as one of the nation’s top-ranking police officials. The third chart is that of the famous American ‘Sleeping-Prophet’ & Christian mystic, Edgar Cayce. In the institution which he created in his native state of Virginia, there are preserved 14,000 cases of psychic diagnoses of medical ailments, made by him from the state of Yoga Nidra, by accessing the Akashik Records as well as the universal consciousness of God. Edgar Cayce has been unique as a Psychic & Seer. [21]
Sri Ramana Maharshi and others:
The three illustrative charts: The basic astrological knowledge underlying each chart is given below in a nutshell. These three illustrative charts and their commentaries may be profitably read, every time we have covered fully one of the nine major Parts, described above. The various aspects of these illustrative charts will become progressively clearer to us as we assimilate the contents of each successive Part. This will also be a good exercise for us to do – the implementation of all that we have learnt in Part VI, which deals with the ‘raising of the level of consciousness’ of the votaries of Vedic astrology.
Commentary on illustration # 1:
Ramana Maharshi’s birth details appear at the head of the chart.
(i) His Asdt sign is Virgo.
(ii) The MEP is at 18°37′.
(iii) In his horoscope, the natal Mo is seen to be in the XH, in the sign Gemini & in the auspicious Nakshatra Punarvasu. The Mo’s Nakshatra is called Janma Nakshatra in VA and this throws light on the personality & life’s work of the individual.
(iv) There are no strong FBs in the Maharshi’s chart. The strong FMs are Ma, the Mokshakaraka, ruling the VIIIH of Moksha; Sa, ruling the VIH of Artha & profound enquiry. Sa, being the significator of the VIIIH, is also another strong Nirvanakaraka.
(v) Thus, the strong Hs are the VIIIH of Moksha & the VIH of Artha. All other Hs are weak in the chart. The weak & afflicted IH, IIH & IVH denied him family life & made him one of the greatest Sages on the nivritti marga. (vi) The FBs Ju, Ve, Mo, and the Asdt lord Me are all weak according to the SA. To appreciate this statement on planetary weaknesses [ refer to Sec. 4 of Part V]. The Asdt H & the Asdt lord Me are under an exact affliction from the FMs Sa & Ma respectively. This affliction from a Nirvanakaraka [Sa] & the Mokshakaraka [Ma], as well as the FM Sa’s affliction to the IVH & to the Atmakaraka, the Su, created the necessary conditions for Moksha, whereas the strong Sa, Ma & Ke ensured the fructification of Moksha at a later date in life.
(vii) Ramana was born in the Ve sub-period of the Ju dasa. He was blessed by Arunachala Siva to be a Self-Realized Sage [his enlightenment] in the Sa-Su sub-period, when he was in his seventeenth year. In this same sub-period, he left home for the abode of Arunachala Siva. In the Su-Ma sub-period, the body succumbed to Cancer. This was his Maha-samadhi.
(viii & ix) For the Maharshi, as there was absolutely no ‘karmic-suffering’ and ‘karmic-obstacles’, the question of Remedial Measures loses its significance altogether. In his state of boundless compassion after his Self-Realization, he was continuously feeding & loving animals & humans alike from his spiritual abode & throughout the course of his life.