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The Predicament of the Votaries of Vedic Astrology

Everyday, thousands of votaries of Vedic astrology are surely surfing the net in the hope of coming upon some astrological solution or the other, for the alleviation of their baffling ‘karmic-sufferings’ in life. Sadly enough, the majority of these votaries, appear to be browsing the astrological websites only surreptitiously– for fear of incurring the ridicule & wrath of their rationalist-friends! For their part, the rationalists, are ever-ready to belittle their ‘gullible’ friends- holding that it is only the ‘weak-minded’ who have a need to turn to Vedic astrologers-who are ‘no better than charlatans and quacks, taking refuge under the respectable cover of the Vedas‘!

Under these circumstances -of our times being inimical to the votaries of astrology, as well as to the practitioners of this ancient Vedic discipline- we are faced with the following challenging question. Should we not be empowering the votaries of Vedic astrology, so that they may not only be able to draw vaster benefits from this Vedic discipline- as a result of their astrological awareness being raised- but may also be better equipped to lay at rest the ‘demons’ of doubt and confusion, unleashed by the rationalists?