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Four Levels of Qualification of the Votaries of Vedic Astrology

The majority of the votaries of Vedic astrology may only be impelled by ‘the forces of fear & desire’ and this may be the ‘low-energy route’ by which they could have come to Vedic astrology. These lowest stepping stones to astrology mark what we may consider to be the first rudimentary level, which may be some kind of a minimum qualification for turning to Vedic astrology. At this level, as this has been the votaries’ first exposure to astrology, they may not have devoted any thought to astrology per se. No learning takes place at this level and their appetite is not kindled, unless some crisis deepens in life and well meaning friends insist that Vedic astrology holds the key for the resolution of that crisis.

Thus this first level is even below that of the ‘believer’ in astrology, for the believer already has gathered some credible information about astrology, which must have paved the way for his unquestioning belief. Beyond this second level of belief, a votary of Vedic astrology may come to acquire that additional qualification, called ‘faith’; which on account of its greater creative-power, will certainly enable the votary to reap a more bountiful harvest of Divine grace; whenever he ‘sows the seeds’ of his labours and application, in the field of the astrological Remedial Measures.

These astrological endeavours may take the form of daily disciplined charities, made to the helpless creatures of Isvara [called ‘Propitiatory Charities’], or they may also be in the form of some regular Poojas performed for a certain Hindu Devata [Deity], standing for one of the Navagrahas, which is a FM, in the individual’s horoscope. Here we are talking of the benefits from the Remedial Measures of Vedic astrology.

Beyond the second level of ‘belief’ and the more advanced third level of ‘faith’, there lies, what we may consider to be even greater bona fides– to turn to astrology-and this is the ‘understanding of Vedic astrology through its very discovery itself. Not surprisingly, this fourth level of qualification will bring to us, the greater blessings of an ‘unshakable conviction’ and a profound understanding of the spiritual-foundations and scope of Vedic astrology. As things stand in Hindu society, we may expect only a handful of people to have graduated to this highest & fourth level, while the number of votaries in the lower three levels must definitely increase, as we go down the levels.